Podpora slovenskej kandidátky na sudcu ESĽP

druhý rodič

/ #34 slovenské deti nemajú to šťastie

2013-12-28 10:25

Prečo slovenské deti netrávia polovicu prázdnin aj s druhým rodičom? Prečo slovenské deti nemajú to šťastie sa dostať v piatok zo školy k druhému rodičovi a pondelok ráno od druhého rodiča do školy každý druhý víkend?
Prečo slovenskí chlapci nemôžu získať prístup k druhému rodičovi?
Keďže nemajú prístup k druhému rodičovi, slovenským chlapcom v núdzi hrozí aj samovražda?
Pripúšťate, že niektorým rodinám sa veľmi ublížilo a poškodil ich súdny proces?
Instead of the every-second-weekend-and-half-the-school-holidays regime that became the norm for a generation of kids, more fathers are winning week-about arrangements.
"Most dads are lucky to get Friday afternoon pick up from school and Monday morning drop-off every second weekend.
"When guys get access that's half the problem solved," York says.
"When they don't get access, guys are in full distress. Then they are liable to do silly things like take their own lives."
"We have to accept that some men have been extremely hurt and damaged by the process that was going on in the courts," he says.
For more than a decade, Tracey Watson's* three children spent every second weekend and half the school holidays with their father.