PETÍCIA: STOP budovaniu 5G sietí na Slovensku



Podpisujem, lebo technológia 5G má nežiadúce vedľajšie účinky na zdravie

Jana Gurová (Banska Bystrica, 2020-05-01)


Treba dbať na zdravie ľudí a zvierat. Zdravie je viac ako biznis ukazuje nám to aj korona kríza!

Patricia Kawasaki (Nižná Myšľa, 2020-05-01)


Podpisujem lebo nemám záujem o zavedenie škodlivej 5g siete

Ján Goda (Sečovská Polianka, 2020-05-01)



Viktor Timura (Bratislava, 2020-05-01)


Nechcem 5G sieť.

Marianna Bullová (Banská Bystrica , 2020-05-01)


Lebo chcem svojim hlasom prispieť k zrušeniu G sieti na Slovensku, vo svete vôbec...škodí zdarviu!

Mária Doskočilová (Martin, 2020-05-01)


Podpisujem, lebo som proti budovaniu 5G sietí na Slovensku

Dana Bučková (Bratislava, 2020-05-01)


Podpisujem, lebo som proti budovaniu 5G sietí na Slovensku.

Dominika Chudá (Topoľčany, 2020-05-01)


Hamarová Martina



Podpisujem, lebo som proti budovaniu 5G sietí na Slovensku.

Jana Chudá (Topoľčany, 2020-05-01)


Podpisuje lebo si vážim život.

Erika Kuchárova (Pečovska Nová Ves , 2020-05-01)


mi záleží na zdraví nás všetkých a zdravom životnom prostredí

Zuzana Kalusová (Dubnica nad Váhom, 2020-05-01)


Bezdrátový internet není oproti kabelovému nezbytný. Nechci být během dovolené na Slovensku "grilován" zbytečným vysíláním na mikrovlnných frekvencích.

Zdeněk Vyhnal (Lomnice nad Lužnicí, 2020-05-01)


Podpisujem, lebo nesúhlasím s budovaním 5g siete.

Alica Šebestová (Košice, 2020-05-01)



Božena Kováčiková (Trenčín, 2020-05-02)


Som Proti ☹️

Jozef Sukel (Stropkov, 2020-05-02)


Nieje dostatok informácií o dopade žiarenia 5G na zdravie všetkých živých organizmov na zemi.

Marián Ferenčík (Tvrdošín, 2020-05-02)



Ľuboš Homola (Nová Baňa , 2020-05-02)



Jana Kavcakova (Vranov nad Toplou, 2020-05-02)


Podpisujem, lebo považujem túto technológiu za veľmi nebezpečnú pre všetko na našej ZEMI.

Mária Danišová (Bratislava, 2020-05-02)



Jana Helleschova (Bratislava, 2020-05-02)


Podpisujem lebo mi žiarenie škodí na štítnu žľazu

Katarína Samková (Bratislava, 2020-05-02)



Lenka Cernanska (Trnava , 2020-05-02)


Podpisujem lebo nesuhlasim s budovanim 5G sieti

Nataša Mala (Trenčín , 2020-05-02)


Naše deti majú právo žiť v zdravom svete, absolútne nesúhlasím so zavádzaním 5G

Dana Augustínová (Bratislava, 2020-05-02)


Nesúhlasím so zavádzaním 5G technológií, z dôvodu ohrozovania zdravia obyvateľov SR.

Katarína Mondoková (Borovce, 2020-05-02)


Sliviakova Denisa

Denisa Sliviakova (Bratislava, 2020-05-02)


Nesúhlasím s inštaláciou a spustením 5G sieti. Doteraz sme bez nej prežili a prežijeme aj naďalej.

Edita Slanina (Trnava , 2020-05-02)



Valeria Krchnava (Kalnica, 2020-05-02)



Maria Milkova (Kezmarok , 2020-05-02)



Denisa Kršková (Zilina, 2020-05-02)



Beáta Kočišíková (Predmier, 2020-05-02)


Nesúhlasím so zavádzaním technológie 5G siete

Janka Dudová (Poprad , 2020-05-02)


Chcem žiť normálny zivot

Linda Galová (Púchov, 2020-05-02)

5G and related risks
Dear EU Officials,
you are the EU top representatives. This e-mail is designed to be used as a legal notice of liability and/or evidence in court if needed and intends to enlighten you and to protect you from attracting civil and criminal liability in relation to your actions and/or omissions surrounding the deployment of 5G technology within your constituency. 4G/LTE small cells form an integral part of the 5G deployment. This 5G technology will cause me to be exposed to wireless non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation against my consent and in my home.
Contamination of my home with 5G may cause damage to my home if it becomes a health risk to me and thus render my home uninhabitable. Irradiating me with wireless non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation against my consent would be an application of force against my person and which causes fear of bodily injury and could be classed as a civil trespass and/or a criminal assault.
Any level of exposure of man-made non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation can be diagnosed by my medical practitioner as an adverse health effect pursuant to the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases ICD-10, code W90 thus rendering any safety limit as set by the government safety standards obsolete as to protecting my health. As needed, I may see my doctor for advice on the 5G issue.
If 5G technology is deployed within your constituency, I expect that you as the EU representative will exercise due diligence to certify that all parties deploying 5G technologies have sufficient insurance cover to compensate for damage or harm caused by the emission of wireless non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Please note that this could be a problem, since underwriters such as Lloyds of London do not insure for such harm and damage.
I urge you, as the EU official, to act in the public interest by addressing the potential cumulative harms of densification (the crowding of small cells into a limited area to enable 5G) and insisting that public safety regulatory authorities need to prove that such densification of 5G technology is safe and that any deployment of 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and/or the Internet of Things (IoT), is regulated appropriately to ensure that the national security and the safety and privacy of the public and myself is not compromised.
You need to protect the public from other harmful wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi in schools, “smart” meters on dwellings, and the like, and to replace those technologies with safe and efficient wired technologies, such as Ethernet and/or fiber optics, as the end-nodes of internet delivery systems to dwellings, schools and commercial buildings. Forward-thinking cities are already doing this.
I implore you, as the EU official, to act in the public interest by protecting the public and myself from being persecuted by the passing of laws that restrict the Courts, law enforcement agencies, municipal councils and local governments from taking action to protect the public from harm to health and damage, caused by 5G and other wireless technologies.
I am genuinely concerned for your welfare, the general public and mine, and this is a situation of the utmost urgency. I have studied the relevant facts and am thus aware of the danger. As a result I am vigilant and I take the risk of harm and damage to me very seriously.
To help bring you up to speed on this extremely important topic, please see the compelling scientific evidence gathered e. g. by Pall (2018 ), which is not censored by the telecommunications industry, nor their captured governments, nor the captured media. Further, please look at the Bio-initiative Report 2012 (updated 2017) – A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) ( ) and Physicians for Safe Technology – 5G Mobile Communications ( ).
I implore you as the EU leader to get educated on this important topic, and show me by your decisions, actions and omissions that you are taking precautionary steps to address the risk of harm to me and all the people within your constituency.
As the EU official I believe you are at risk of being liable if you do not take appropriate action to attempt to abate, or prevent such harm to me or the public.
People of the EU nations became more aware also in this area and I implore you to take leadership and be a champion for the health and safety of all of us.
5. 9. 2019, J. T.

Jano Topercer (Martin, 2020-05-02)


Podpisujem lebo som proti zavedeniu 5G siete na Slovensku .

Viera Kasáková (Liptovský Hrádok, 2020-05-02)


Absolutne nesuhlasim s vystavbou 5G siete na Slovensku.

Iveta Nerantzakis (Kosice, 2020-05-02)


Nechcem 5G sieť

Ján Pätoprstý (Rimavská Sobota , 2020-05-02)


Som proti postaveniu 5G na Slovensku

Katarína Benková (Liptovský Mikuláš , 2020-05-02)


Dobrý deň,
ako architekt som sa vo svojej diplomovej práci zaoberal rozvojom mesta v dobe spojenej autonómnej automobilovej doprave. Jedným z hľavným predpokladom zavedenia tejto technológie do praxe je zavedenie 5G sietí. Pri bližšom štúdiu dopadov zavedenia týchto sietí, som sám hodnotil, že pomer prínosu výhod ku nevýhodám a hlavne k ohrozeniu života, je absurdné a nepochopil som ako to niektoré krajiny mohli v súčasnej dobe povoliť.
Držím palce, s petíciou.

Pavol Uhrín (Liptovský Hrádok, 2020-05-02)


Som proti 5g

Marián Slivka (Dubnica nad vahom, 2020-05-02)



Eva Slobodova (Bratislava, 2020-05-02)


Som proti vystavbe 5G sieti, preto podpisujem tuto peticiu

Michaela Mičkaninova (Prešov, 2020-05-02)



Nikola Surzinova (Svit, 2020-05-02)


Podpisujem, lebo som za zdravie celej planéte...

Henrieta Hrincsár (Šahy , 2020-05-02)


Nesúhlasím so zavedením 5G v SR.

Radim Vilhan (Lucenec, 2020-05-02)


Chcem ešte troch požiť.

Slavomír Marton (Prešov, 2020-05-02)


Chcem, aby moje deti a vnúčatá žili v zdravom prostredí a nie plnom elektrického smogu a žiarenia !

Agnesa Hollá (Trstená, 2020-05-02)



martin lacek (hájske, 2020-05-02)


Chcem si chranit zdravie

Erika Kiss (Roznava, 2020-05-02)

Platená reklama

Túto petíciu budeme propagovať pred 3000 ľuďmi.

Dozvedieť sa viac...